OOH! getting excited!

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Posted by nick on April 20, 2000 at 14:27:07:

Well, I am really looking forward to my henna party tomorow night! Especially after reading Myst's posts! I don't know how I could make mine as much of a success as hers, but I'm working on it! Also, had an encounter in Boston this Marathon Monday. An old mid-eastern lady and her younger daughter were in the Dunkin' Donuts I was in. The young one had beautiful henna patterns up to her elbows, and the old one had facial tattoos. They were blue, with a diamond between the eyes, and a line on the chin. The young lady's palms were black. I was tempted to ask to see them in more detail, but they were not speaking a word of english, so I was not sure how they would take it.

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