Re: Henna Burn

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Posted by JEAN on May 12, 2000 at 04:21:03:

In Reply to: Henna Burn posted by Sabrina on April 25, 2000 at 15:22:37:

henna is like all cosmetic product sometime you can have SMALL
allergic reations ( not only black henna ).............
best regards and peace

: I dont know if this was simply a freak allergic reaction or not but
this is what happened. I ordered natural henna from an online source
and mixed it exactly like theditections said to. I then proceeded to
allpy it to my hands and feet. I let it "sit" for about 4 hours and
then scraped it off, the desings looked great, I went to bed that
night and when i woke up I had a nasty rash all over the back of my
right hand, running along the lines of the henna patern.My other hand
and my feet had no such reaction. I treated the rash with anti-
infalmitories and let it fade out. but now a full month after it
healed I cant get henna to "take" any where that the rash had been.
any thoughts?

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