Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste with Glitter:
Waterproof , Durable, and Dazzling!
Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste is a latex-free medical adhesive that has been adapted specifically for henna artists.

Sprinkle Becoming Moonlight® Glitter over Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste and watch the stars come out! This is dazzling waterproof body art that lasts three to seven days depending on care. 
Becoming Moonlight® Glitter is a cosmetic quality polyester glitter.  Becoming Moonlight® Glitter comes in 5g and 12g  gram shaker jars with screw-down lids to minimize visits from the "messy fairy" in your henna drawer, and accidental "sparkle dumps" on your clients!

You can do similar work with Pros-Aide® Cream Adhesive, but that more difficult to work with, because it becomes transparent when it dries. It is adapted for medical prosthetics, not for body art.

Click HERE to learn the difference between the two.

How do you create this beautiful, waterproof, durable body art?

You will need the following things in addition to your Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste:
  • 91% isopropyl alcohol and paper towels for emergency clean up 
  • a soft brush for spreading the glitter over the pattern
  • scotch tape
  • nail clippers
Practice on yourself.  Freshly shaved legs are a great practice pad.  A neck, chest, face, back, belly, arms and shaved legs are ideal places for application.  If you apply this glue to hairy skin, removal will be as difficult as getting bubble gum out of a cocker spaniel's ear.  To apply this body art, begin by cleaning the person's skin, or the glitter will stick where you do not want it to.

Do not apply Becoming Moonlight Body® Gilding Paste onto a person who is allergic to band-aids, adhesives, or acrylic.    This product does not contain latex, but some people are allergic to acrylic medical adhesives.  

If you get Becoming Moonlight® gilding paste on clothing, rinse it out with isopropyl alcohol.  It will not wash out.
remove tape

Remove the tape from the cone tip when you are ready to work.  The tape keeps the glue from leaking out, and it keeps the glue from drying at the tip.
clip tip

Clip a tiny bit from the tip.  If you clip too much, you'll waste your cone.

Clip the smallest bit off the tip that will squeeze out a tiny line of paste. 
fine lines

Test your line. Use a smaller line of Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste than you would henna paste.  Thin lines dry quickly.  Heavier lines dry more slowly.  Glitter and other powders will fatten up your lines, so start thin. 
Begin to draw

Apply Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste to the skin, just as you would apply henna. If your lines are thin, the glue will be dry enough to apply glitter in a few minutes.

This paste will not become transparent as it dries.  It will stay white.
Put on some glitter

Brush Becoming Moonlight® glitter or gilding powder over the pattern, Brush very lightly to spread the glitter exactly where you want it to go. Brush away the excess.
apply more

Do you want to add another, clearly separate color?  Apply more Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste, and apply the other powder. 
Apply more glitter and brush it away2

Brush away the excess with a soft brush.  Be careful to not touch the brush to the sticky paste.  

apply more

Do you want a design with many colors? You can continue applying as as much complexity as you wish.   
many colors blending

You can sprinkle in more colors; the colors will blend together. Brush away the excess with a soft brush.
add yet more

You can add Becoming Moonlight® gilding powder, Mehron Metallic powders, and gems with Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste.
Add gilding powder2

Sprinkle on gilding powder and brush or blow away the excess. If the weather is very humid, or if you are perspiring, you may need to rinse off excess glitter.  Wait twenty minutes for the paste to dry before washing. You can wash away the excess glitter, gilding powder, or metallic powder with soap and water,  washing will not disturb the pattern! 
all done

No more worries about aftercare!    The person can put loose clothing on over this body art.  The person can shower, and the art will not come off!  This body art will last between three and ten days, depending on how the person takes care of their art.  You can remove a pattern quickly by rubbing it with the sticky side of scotch tape!

clean up

If you get a sticky blob on the tip of your cone while you work, clean the tip with an alcohol prep pad. 

Cone of Becoming Moonlight Gilding Paste

When you're done, clean the tip and put a tab of tape back on the tip.  Your paste will last for months without refrigeration.  

Becoming Moonlight® Glitter
colors over Becoming Moonlight® Gilding Paste

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