The Kiss
The "peak" pattern looks like the silhouette of a Hershey's Kiss!

1 Peek

1) This is the "Kiss" 
Everybody loves a "kiss"

a row of Peaks
2) Make a row of "Kisses". 
It's not easy to get these perfectly even ......... concentrate!  If they're crooked, they look a bit odd.... .  Get'em just right and ..... it looks like a Kissmobile!

Parallel Peaks
3) Make parallel rows of "Kisses".

4) Rotate four "Kisses" around a single point.

5) Rotate five "Kisses" around a single point.

6) Rotate six "Kisses" around a single point.

7) Rotate eight "Kisses" around a center.

Peakflower 12
8) If you can rotate your "Kiss" perfectly, you can make a pretty flower!
9) If you put a row of kisses on top of other kisses, it's sweet as a honeycomb!

10) You can curl kisses around a tender stalk.

11) Kisses can make a blossom unfold.

12) Kisses make things bloom.

Want some kisses? Click HERE or on the image above!

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