Re: Even more re: sifter design

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Posted by Anon on August 18, 1999 at 16:09:42:

In Reply to: Even more re: sifter design posted by Amy C on August 17, 1999 at 20:26:58:

: fine holes. But I can't seal up the sieve between 2 jars of course,
: because it has a handle sticking out of it.

I tried finding very fine wire mesh when I was making paper, but
didn't find a source. I didn't try science supply catalogs, yet.

Thoughts on temporary solutions:
Tape a bag to each side of the sifter, then place between the jars
(use a straw to suck out the air between the bags & jars) & tape in

Cut cardboard rings to go from the jar rims to the sifter rim, again
tape in place.

Limit the tape to the rim of the sifter so you don't ruin it, of
course. The handle would presumably stick out one side, with maybe a
wrapping of tissue or cotton, then tape to seal. (The tissue to keep
the tape gum from staying on your sifter.) "Goo-gone" (in craft
stores) will get rid of any tape gum left after the procedure.

Is a gold coffee filter any good for sifting? I haven't tried, but
the tops are usually round, and I suspect one could find jars that

Back to mesh:
What size do you need? Also, it looks like it would be easier to find
a plastic mesh - such as the kind used for silkscreening or tent
windows (the "no-see-um" barriers...betcha a repair kit would have
it). Best wishes! -Anon


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