Re: Ouch, be careful

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Posted by Kenzi on June 13, 2001 at 23:00:48:

In reply to: Ouch, be careful posted by jessica on June 13, 2001 at 18:43:36:

I had similar symptoms with the pain in the wrist and the shooting
pains up my arm. I had that for about 6-9 months and it was pretty
painful. I felt okay when hennaing but a lot worse when working on
the computer. I work at a computer about 10 hours a day between
working at home and working at my rent-paying job (desktop

Then they changed our office around (at the rent-paying job) so now I
am working at a desk without a keyboard/mouse tray. My wrist and arm
feel GREAT! I think the tray table was just unstable enough so that
I was unconsciously holding it in place with the heel of my hands
(and wrists) so that it didn't move while typing and mousing. Now
that I have both my keyboard and mouse on the desk my wrist feels
wonderful and the relief was almost immediate.

I don't know if your situation is like this in any way, but you may
want to see if you can find something in the way you work that is
also causing the pain. I always thought that keyboard/mouse trays
were supposed to be more ergonomically sound because you could adjust
them, but my own experience has proved otherwise.

Good luck!



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