Alex's Monday Media
Monday Med2ia
These are some of Alex Morgan favorite resources ...

The Language of Ornament
James Trilling

Trilling's book is a great general introduction to the use and function of pattern.

A Dictionary of Symbols
J.E. Cirlot (Editor), J. Sage (Translator)

This is the ultimate "first stop" book for symbols from cultures around the world.

The Grammar of Ornament
Owen Jones et al.
The two Owen Jones books are collections of eye candy for the lover of pattern - I use them quite a lot as they cover so many different vocabularies. They provide a good basic intro to almost any cultural genre of pattern.

Grammar of Chinese Ornament
Owen Jones

The Mediation of Ornament
Oleg Grabar

Grabar's book is a far more academic text for people who really want to pursue pattern and the use of ornament on an intellectual level.
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