Sample henna Patterns  by Justine Howland-Goodwin from her henna pattern book
"La Belly Luna"
a book of patterns for pregnant bellies
available  from TapDancing Lizard

La Belly Luna2

La  Belly Luna

Henna Patterns byJustine Howland Goodwin.
from her henna pattern book
La Belly Luna
available  from TapDancing Lizard

Like these?  Want more? Visit TapDancing Lizard for more henna patterns!

You have permission to  print out and use these images for inspiration and use in your own henna body art! 

Please use safe, natural henna, not  "Black Henna" to create body art!

You may not put these lineart images on your website without the explicit permission of TapDancing Lizard and/or Justine Howland-Goodwin  You may not publish or disseminate them in any way, or any other use prohibited by copyright law.  Violations of copyright law are punishable by fines of $200 to $2,500 per violation.

If you don't understand copyright law, please go HERE: 10 Big Myths about copyright explained by Brad Templeton 


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