The Henna Page Journal
Silk project
Catherine Cartwright Jones
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When every bit of the silk was ironed, I flaked off the last bits of paste. I washed the silk in the sink, with cool water and detergent, until the water ran clean. I ironed the silk dry on old towels.

The wax resist made crisp resist lines. The henna made a softer resist line against the indigo and the turmeric. The indigo bled out a sea green contrasting the deep blue line.

All paraffin washed out with dishwashing liquid, but paraffin can also be completely removed by the dry cleaners. The dyes seem to be wash fast in cold water, though there is some softening of the colors.

Click here for a slideshow of the complete process

Indigo is available from Castle Art and Imports, http://www.castleart.com and http://www.everydayhenna.com , EveryDay Mehndi, and may be sold at ethnic shops as "black henna" for hair.
Turmeric is available from grocery stores that stock South Asian food supplies.

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