The Encyclopedia of Henna
Stratum Corneum: 
What are those last orange traces, and why do they seem to last forever?
Catherine Cartwright-Jones c 2003
Kent State University

The last remnants of a henna stain are the lightly stained cells that are emerging at the surface after all the previous, more dye-saturated layers have emerged and exfoliated.  There can be many layers of these unoxidized cells with low levels of dye saturation. If you are tired of looking at them, you can hasten their exit.  Get some ultra whitening, extra brightening, peroxide added, gonzo super dazzle brilliant toothpaste, and spread it on the old stains.  Leave it there half an hour.  The bleach and peroxide will bleach out the stains.  Then scrub the toothpaste off hard!  You'll take a few cell layers of stratum corneum off.  Repeat this twice a day and the stain will go away much faster. 


"Number of Cell Layers of the Stratum Corneum in Normal Skin - relationship to the anatomical location on the body, age, sex and physical parameters"
Zhen Ya-Xian, Takaki Suetake, Hachiro Tagani
Archive of Dermatology Research, 1999, Issue 291: 555-559; Springer-Verlag, 1999

"Skin, the Human Fabric"
Doug Podolsky, US News Books, Washington DC, 1982

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*"Henna, the Joyous Body Art" 
the Encyclopedia of Henna
Catherine Cartwright-Jones c 2000 
registered with the US Library of Congress
TXu 952-968