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Posted by Maureen on July 12, 2001 at 02:49:30:

I want suggestions on how to integrate some fun visible henna
activities into life and events in this little town I live in. I
only know of one other henna artist in the Greater Pittsburgh area
and he is in Pittsburgh and has his own shop. I just know there has
to be others around here doing this but they must be invisible and as
isolated as I am. The young people around here know what henna is
and a lot of the older folks like me comment positively on the henna
on my hands. So it is not like there is some taboo on this around
here. This is just a small quiet town. Anyone have any suggestions
for ways to just make doing henna part of what is done in a place
like this? There is no coffee shop here that I could go sit in and
do henna. I have my own shop and can and do henna there as an aside
to my primary business. But that could go on for 30 years here and
only those people I do and the people they tell would
matter how large and colorful a sign I would put up. Maybe that is
the nature of a small town. I am not so much looking for more
business. I keep busy enough with the other hat I wear and do henna
on individuals and parties more at my own convenience. It is just
that I believe there needs to be a way and has to be a way to weave
henna into the fabric of this little community in a fun and public
way. But haven't come up with an idea yet. Any suggestions from
others in little quiet towns or others from big noisy towns that
might work here as well. I know a big part of the problem is how
comfortable I have always been with the one on one kind of work and
the word of mouth kind of advertising. So, I don't naturally think
of ways that make sense to set up in public places and spaces to do
things. That is why I would appreciate any and all suggestions for
moving beyond my habitual way of doing henna. It could be an event
or it could be something ongoing. But I would like for it to be
something I could begin and continue to do for the rest of the
summer. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks



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