The Henna Page Journal
General Guidelines for Submitting Digital Artwork

Front cover

  The following describe important things to remember when preparing digital art for submission to The Henna Page Journal.

Acceptable resolutions.
It is extremely important that the proper resolution be used when submitting digital artwork. Low-resolution graphics may be inappropriate for publication in HPJ.

Low-resolution is the term used to describe an image that has a DPI (dots per inch) resolution too low to present a clear high quality result. Unfortunately, insufficient resolution is an impossible situation to correct at publication and may result in your pictures being rejected.

The minimum requirements for resolution in digital files are:

  • 72 DPI 350pixels in the longest dimension for Article illustrations.

The preferred resolution for digital files is 1000+ pixels in the longest dimension

Scanned Images

  • The resolution should be set to 300 dpi
  • The colour mode of the file (GIF/JPEG) should be RGB mode
  • Crop and size images properly before importing so that masking, scaling or rotating is not necessary while in the drawing program.
  • No attempt should be made to manipulate colour, contrast or gamma levels. The editorial team will do this for you.

Colour space requirements
All digital art submitted should be in RGB format where possible. It is important to check every scan/file for correct colour format before saving and submitting your work.

Cropping and sizing
All graphics submitted to HPJ will be cropped and scaled as appropriate by the editorial team. The author should not attempt this.

Font usage
HPJ supports the use of the following Type 1 PostScript fonts for the creation of digital art figures:

  • Helvetica
  • Times Roman

CAUTION: The usage of these fonts does not ensure that font problems will not occur.
All fonts, other than the ones listed above, must be converted to paths (or outlines) in the application they were created with.

NOTE: Font usage does not apply to pixel editing programs like Adobe PhotoShop because the types faces are not necessary to image a bitmap file.

Anybody may submit an image/illustration/photograph for consideration for the cover of the HPJ. Precedence will normally be given to those images accompanying an article accepted for publication in the HPJ. Illustrations for the cover should be of high quality with a resolution not less that 450 pixels in width. All other guidelines apply.



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