The Henna Page Journal

Front cover

What happens after I complete a submission?
When you submit text and graphics files you will receive a short communication from '' confirming receipt of your material. When a decision has been reached regarding the publication of your submission you will receive another e-mail.
What are some of the common pit-falls I should avoid?
Proof read your manuscript for spelling and grammar before submitting it. HPJ cannot be responsible for making editorial corrections to submitted manuscripts, and any such changes that do get made may delay the processing of your manuscript considerably.
Can I submit a picture for the cover of the Journal?
Yes, all images received will be subject to the normal review procedure, any image received can be considered for the cover of the Journal. Precedence will normally be given to those images accompanying an article accepted for publication in the HPJ.
What should I do if I get stuck?
You will find detailed instructions throughout the submission guideline pages, and you can e-mail at any point for help with a submission. We will make every effort to respond as soon as possible.
What does copyright transfer mean?
When you sign and return the copyright transfer agreement you give the Henna Page the legal right to defend unauthorised use and theft of your intellectual property. We will also protect the work we have done in preparing your article for publication. This will not affect your right to use the work in the future.
Do I retain copyright to any material used in the Journal?
Simply put, yes, you retain the right to use your own material. Should you choose to use the format in which your material appears in the HPJ then you must credit the Journal.
What is a "virtual journal"?
Any site that requires you to sign a copyright transfer agreement.



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