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The Henna Page Journal
The Rise of a Henna Boy
Mark Foster
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Henna Boy is a studio based in Brighton UK. Established last year by two friends whom met through henna we have now expanded into other countries and other cities in the UK. With the growth of henna on the increase Henna-Boy is determined to be at the forefront of the UK market.

This article is the story about myself - Mark Foster, owner of Henna-Boy, how I was introduced into henna and how it grew into the Henna-Boy Studios.

Rewinding the clock nearly 7 years places me back in Nottingham - East Midlands UK.

I was studying Printing and generally having great fun. Part of my fun was going to as many outdoor events, parties, gatherings and festivals as possible. During a hot weekend in July led me to a World music event outside of Leicester where over three days I was going to be introduced to henna - something that would change my life forever.

At the festival was a henna artist called Ali - a very nice man from Morocco. The festival was busy but relaxed and Ali was drumming up business by shouting at passers by to come and see his stall. On passing by the stall he shouted at me and proceeded to shout 'Free' which instantly grabbed my attention and over I went.

Ali proceeded to henna my hands and whilst doing so told me bits about how he learnt henna - its history - how to apply and so forth. I stayed with Ali for most of the day listening and talking to him about patterns and henna. When I decided to depart he invited me to come early the next day and work with him and try it for myself - he also told me it would be good for him as people would be able to see the patterns he had done on my hands.

I turned up the next day and worked with him for the entire weekend. I had no practise - no introductions except for what Ali had told me the day before. I was thrown well and truly in at the deep end and asked to henna any one that came up.

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